Sarah Lacy: Once You're Lucky, Twice You're Good: The Rebirth of Silicon Valley and the Rise of Web 2.0
If you want a snapshot of what's really going on at the epicenter of web 2.0 in the SF bay area- and its financing - this is a fun, short read. (****)
Alan Axelrod: Profiles in Audacity: Great Decisions and How They Were Made
This was a different kind of read for me, and I am looking for more books like it. Several dozen accounts throughout histroy of people that made tough decisions.
John Maeda: The Laws of Simplicity
About 100 little pages and a fun quick read. Less is more. I recommend it highly. (****)
Chris Anderson: The Long Tail
I will say this is a must read BUT it is a mix of "need to know" and lots of BS. The long tail is more than real and very interesting, there's just not enough facts to justify all those graphs that represent interesting ideas as science. (****)
JoAnn Deak, Teresa Barker: Girls Will Be Girls: Raising Confident and Courageous Daughters
I just finished this book and recommend it highly. I have two daughters and know it will change their lives for the better having read it. (*****)
Michael Silverstein, Neil Fiske : Trading Up: The New American Luxury
Not directly related to my work but a few good reviews caused me to want to read it. The stories of the entrepreneurs who created Mondavi, Callaway, Victoria's Secret and more are inspiring and provide good lessons. (*****)