I've been asked by many about my take on the Infoworld review, and for the most part the Attensa blog post on it says it all from where I sit, so check it out here. The Attensa Feed Server finished up in the middle, and overall it pretty much reads and is rated like a three way tie between Attensa, KnowNow and NewsGator. Here's NG founder Greg Reinacker's take. The most important effect of the article to me is that it is a wake up call for many in IT that aren't paying attention to the obvious benefits of RSS for business.
The majority of professionally run IT organizations look at more than one offering before pulling the trigger on a solution from any new vendor. The NewsGator offering is very, very similar to ours, even more so than the review chronicled. What wasn't covered in the review was "total cost of ownership" or installation experience. These two items are our sweetspots. It is my understanding that the reviewer looked at all three offerings via the Internet (aka a hosted user experience) and didn't have the very relevant experience that IT must endure to install software behind the firewall.
Literally all of our pilots and customer wins so far have been in environments where the Attensa Feed Server (AFS) is the second or third product reviewed/piloted. The devil is in the details, and I am very pleased with our market position and performance to date. AFS was last to market with our enterprise server, and its only been available a few months now, but kudos to the team and pilot customers who worked with us on our 1.0 release and making it so solid. I've been in this business for 21 years now, and it is a rare start when a "1.0" release is so competitive - or even preferred.
AFS is the first in a suite of offerings on our road map built upon our AttentionStream technology (which is foundational with our client-side technology as well) and will be an increasingly obvious differentiator in this three horse race that for now is focused primarily on rudimentary RSS plumbing. Information overload mitigation is where the juice is - and where we are focused. Stayed tuned for some more announcements soon.
Technorati Tags: attensa - attention - enterprise rss - newsgator - knownow - attensa feed server -