Esther just kicked off the morning at PCForum06 with "attention" front and center although she managed to avoid using the "A" word with her introduction. Ran into Dan Farber on the way in, whom I've known from nearly 20 years in the software business, but didn't have time to chat as Esther was about to come in. Said hi and met Ed Batistsa of Incidentally, I just met and am sitting next to Rod Canion (Founder of Compaq) and a few seats down is Scott Cook (founder of Intuit.) Needless to say pcforum attracts the big dogs.
Seth Goldstein's pitch for ROOT Markets is making more and more sense to me. Not sure how you turn it off once you have bought a car and house but I am just beginning to understand. I met Seth at his office but we haven't really explored doing anything yet. Seems like we should be. Attensa's technology could most certainly apply to the services they are attempting to provide, perhaps we should expose to these guys the significant scale and transient meta data volume challenges we have solved. Gathering rudimentary attention data and reprioritizing information on the desktop is easy. Processing the behavior of millions of users is difficult. Seth, I think we can help.
Curiously, Seth said in his intro "Dave Winer made me promise to mention Steve Gillmor" as a pioneer around attention. So, he did. I am looking forward to GestureBank, which is Steve's new product due to be demo'd this week in the valley at SD Forum. A few have mentioned they think GB is competitive with our planned RSS centric offering based on our attentionstream technology. hmmm. I doubt it but we'll see. I've never been in competition with a journalist before. Maybe that's why Steve rarely mentions us. Well, maybe its because we haven't shipped anything yet that demonstrates our AttentionStream tech other than real-time syncing.
TrustedID (esther is an investor apparently) sounds really interesting too - 3 million people victims of identity theft last year btw and is a growing epidemic. Opinity interesting too. Personally, I am less interested in the identity component of this discussion but it is interesting.
Seth wrapped up about wanted to "suck in" his Amazon purchase history. He also mentioned he spoke to the Amazon personalization and social networking folks who not only were OK with it but thought it was a good idea. ROOT Markets created a bookmarklet to suck this info in to their vault. He suggested there should be an API to get at this info. I think this is a good idea. Looks like yet another source of interesting, never-ending stream of meta data. Dove-tailed with behavioral attention data the possibilities are seemingly endless. And it will never stop.
Tags: pcforum06, attention, ROOT Markets, identity, attensa, attentiontrust, gesturebank